The European creation of Aboriginality in nineteenth and early twentieth century Victoria : a study of material culture in historical documents, historical photographs, and artefact collections / Lesley McCall. 1988.


The European creation of Aboriginality in nineteenth and early twentieth century Victoria : a study of material culture in historical documents, historical photographs, and artefact collections / Lesley McCall. 1988.

Role played by Victorian Aboriginal culture in the creation during the late nineteeth and early twentieth century of the European image or concept of Aboriginality; Aboriginal society; loss of tribal identity; effects of government policies; Port Phillip Protectorate; Central Board for the Protection of Aborigines; influence of mission stations and reserves; influence of Darwins theories; photography; popular image; Museum of Victoria.

1 v. (various pagings); ill.


SNAC Resource ID: 7240674

Libraries Australia

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Museum of Victoria (corporateBody)

Victoria. Board for the Protection of the Aboriginesthe. (corporateBody)

McCall, Lesley. (person)